Drugs & Alcohol Training – 27th & 28th November, 2018

Drugs & Alcohol

A two day course being delivered on:

Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th November, 2018

Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Participants can choose to do both courses or just one course.


£160 per person for 2 day course.

£99 per person for 1 day course.

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here) 

Drugs & Alcohol Training (Level 1)

This course provides information to help workers begin to assess clients for drugs & alcohol problems and how to refer people into effective specialist services.

Course description

This one day knowledge-based course will look at alcohol, misused prescription medication and the different types of illegal drugs (including NPS) that are commonly used and the issues surrounding them.

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Recall basic definitions of commonly used terms
  • Describe how various drugs(including NPS) and commonly misused prescription medications affect the body
  • Use the unit measuring system to work out how much a client is drinking
  • Identify reasons why people use illegal drugs
  • Clarify when drug or alcohol use becomes a problem
  • Differentiate between different patterns of drug & alcohol use
  • Explain how substances are classified

Drug & alcohol national occupational standards

Day One:

  • AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists.
  • HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
  • HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
  • AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
  • HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.
  • AD1 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects.

Drugs & Alcohol Training (Level 2)

The drugs & alcohol training (Level 2) will develop participants knowledge and skills in identifying substance misuse and alcohol related needs via screening and/or assessment. It will provide workers with strategies, interventions and treatment tools that they can use to help clients engage with drug and alcohol treatment services.

Course description

This drugs & alcohol training course looks at reasons why clients may resist treatment and how workers can begin to address this in practical ways that will support them to access services. It will introduce principles and key themes in harm reduction that clients can use to minimise risk to themselves and the people around them.

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Address reasons why people may not want to engage with drug & alcohol treatment services
  • Introduce drugs & alcohol as topics with their clients
  • Structure brief advice sessions with their clients
  • MI, CBT & ITEP
  • Be able to use screening and treatment tools
  • Describe basic harm reduction techniques
  • Support a client to access appropriate services

Drug and alcohol national occupational standards

  • AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
  • HSC377: Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role
  • HSC388: Relate to families, parents and carers
  • HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.

Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF


£160 per person for 2 day course.

£99 per person for 1 day course.

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)

Drug and Alcohol Training Programme – London, Sept-Nov 2018

Drug and alcohol Training programme

Drug and Alcohol Training Programme 2018

The following courses are being delivered in Islington, London between September and November 2018.


Chemsex – Wednesday 26th September 2018 & Wednesday 21st November 2018

This half-day course aims to give participants the confidence, knowledge and skills in order to deliver effective interventions and support for this client group.

More info


Dual Diagnosis – Tuesday, 16th October, 2018

This is a one day course that focuses on drug use and mental health (dual diagnosis). This course aims to provide information on how drugs, alcohol and mental health issues interrelate and how to work effectively with this client group.

More info


Parental Drug Misuse – Tuesday, 23rd October, 2018

A one day course focusing on parental substance misuse, hidden harm and related issues. This course is being delivered jointly by Tony D’Agostino & Emma Bond.

More info


Drugs & Alcohol Levels 1 & 2 – 27th & 28th November, 2018

A one or two-day course focusing on alcohol, prescription medication and a range of illegal drugs (including NPS).

More info



£160 per person for 2 day course. Lunch and refreshments provided. (See here)

£99 per person for 1 day course. Lunch and refreshments provided. (See here)

£60 per person for half-day course. Refreshments provided.


St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF


The course will be accompanied by an online training package and certificate on completion of the training.

DANOS Compliant

Book Here

Parental Drug Misuse Training – London, October 2018

Parental Drug Misuse / Hidden Harm

Being delivered on:

Tuesday, 23rd of October, 2018

Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Costs: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)


This course is being delivered jointly by Tony D’Agostino & Emma Bond (MA), Consultant.


Course description

New figures indicate that approximately 3.4 million children in the UK live with at least one binge drinking parent, 2.6 million live with a hazardous drinker and around 1 million live with a parent who uses illicit drugs.


• Overview of substances (includes alcohol, crack, heroin and commonly used NPS)

• Impact of drugs on families

• Implications for children

• Provision of need for children – asking the right questions

• Assessing the impact of drugs on parenting capacity

• Risk Factors

• Protective factors, treatment, support and making appropriate referrals

Aim & Objectives

To increase knowledge and awareness of parental drug misuse

• To improved confidence in identifying and dealing with cases of hidden harm

• Understanding responsibilities when working with a parent / s who use drugs / alcohol

• Identifying risk and assess the impact drugs and alcohol can have on parenting capacity

• Increase protective factors for parents and children

• Improved knowledge of signposting routes to help address identified hidden harm


The course will be accompanied by an online training package and certificate on completion of the training.


National Occupational Standards: Units covered and supported

AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists

HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals

HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals

HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice

Dual Diagnosis Training – London, October 2018

Dual Diagnosis Training

Dual Diagnosis Training (includes trauma)

Being delivered on:

Tuesday, 16th of October, 2018


St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Costs: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)

Course description & outline

This is a one day course that focuses on drug use and mental health (dual diagnosis). This course aims to provide information on how drugs, alcohol and mental health issues interrelate and how to work effectively with this client group.

Mental health and drug and alcohol use poses many challenges for professionals. Workers may feel unskilled or unable to provide adequate support in dealing with this complex area, with services often in disagreement in what are causing the problems.

  • Overview  / statistics

  • What is dual diagnosis?

  • How does dual diagnosis develop with young people and adults?

  • Psychiatric information & brain development

  • Assessing the impact of drugs on mental health

  • Substance use and the effects of trauma in adolescents and adults

  • Medication, Support & Treatment

  • Improving services

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Examine terminology and how different terms alter their meaning depending on your work role
  • List ways in which patterns of substance use can impact on a client’s mental health
  • Describe how illegal drugs may negatively affect mood and emotional states
  • Review and develop working protocols, information sharing and referral pathways

Target audience

  • Workers in contact with mental health clients using illegal drugs
  • Community Mental Health Teams
  • Drug and alcohol workers
  • General Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Accident and Emergency Staff
  • Social Workers, Supported Housing Workers, Probation Staff
  • Students

Drug & alcohol national occupational standards

  • AA1: Recognise indications of substance misuse
  • AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
  • MH2: Enable people with mental health needs to access and benefit from a service

Chemsex Training Course – London, September/November 2018

Chemsex Training

Chemsex Training Course  

Half-day course, 1.30pm – 4.30pm


Wednesday 26th September 2018

Wednesday 21st November 2018


St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Cost: £60 per person

Refreshments provided.

DANOS Compliant:

This half-day Chemsex training course aims to give participants the confidence, knowledge and skills in order to deliver effective interventions and support for this subgroup.

What the course covers:

  • What is MSM – UK situation

  • Basic understanding of ‘Chemsex’

  • What we know and what we don’t know

  • Risk Factors

  • Implications for health, sexual health & drug services

  • Prevention and harm reduction

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the session participants will be able to;

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of the issues relating to Chemsex and related issues

  • Increase knowledge of how GBL, Mephedrone and crystal meth are used and the effects

    upon individual’s physiology and neurology

  • Understand the possible affects on health

  • Understand basic working methods with this subgroup

  • To increase confidence in working with this client group for both drug services and sexual health clinics

Who would benefit from the training?

Drug Service Providers, LGBT Services, Health & Sexual Health Workers, Mental Health Practitioners, GPs, Psychiatrist, Counsellors and other professionals that may be in contact with this client group.

Drug and alcohol national occupational standards

Day One:

  • AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists.

  • HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.

  • HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.

  • AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.

  • HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.

  • AD1 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects.

Cost: £60 per person

Refreshments provided.

DANOS Compliant:

ITEP Training – London, 11th July 2018


ITEP Training being delivered on:

Wednesday 11th July 2018

St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Cost: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.

(See here)

Course description

A one day course focusing on ITEP Mapping and how to implement this into recovery-orientated care planning.

  • Build the therapeutic relationship
  • Build engagement with the care planning process
  • Work with clients to refine treatment goals
  • Initiate and maintain changes in substance use ( lapse / relapse)
  • Work with clients as they exit formal treatment

Participants can be from a variety of services or new to the field. Former participants have include drug workers, managers, social workers, volunteers and students.

Aims and objectives

This introductory level study day will give participants a basic understanding of ITEP and node link mapping tools and offers attendees the opportunity to practice using these tools with other learners.

  • Describe the role of ITEP and node link mapping tools.
  • Demonstrate how to use some basic mapping techniques.
  • Identify how they would implement these principles into their practice.
  • Identify how they would implement theses principles into recovery-orientated care planning.

Drug and alcohol national occupational standards

  • HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
  • HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
  • AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
  • HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.

Skunk & Spice Training Course – London, 24th May 2018

Skunk & Spice (Cannabis & Synthetic Cannabinoids)

A one day course that focuses on cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids.

Being delivered on:

Thursday 24th May 2018

St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Cost: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)

Course description and outline

To achieve a deeper level of knowledge about common forms of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids, together with health and psychiatric issues, appropriate interventions/treatments.

  • Current UK situation

  • Brief History

  • Different types of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids

  • How they work

  • Harm minimisation strategies and techniques

  • Health and psychiatric implications

  • Current treatment

Dual Diagnosis Training – London, 11th of May 2018

Dual Diagnosis Training

Dual Diagnosis Training (includes trauma)

Mental health and drug and alcohol use poses many challenges for professionals. Workers may feel unskilled or unable to provide adequate support in dealing with this complex area, with services often in disagreement in what are causing the problems.

Being delivered on:

Friday, 11th of May 2018


St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Costs: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)

Course description & outline

This is a one day course that focuses on drug use and mental health (dual diagnosis). This course aims to provide information on how drugs, alcohol and mental health issues interrelate and how to work effectively with this client group.

  • Overview  / statistics

  • What is dual diagnosis?

  • How does dual diagnosis develop with young people and adults?

  • Psychiatric information & brain development

  • Assessing the impact of drugs on mental health

  • Substance use and the effects of trauma in adolescents and adults

  • Medication, Support & Treatment

  • Improving services

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Examine terminology and how different terms alter their meaning depending on your work role
  • List ways in which patterns of substance use can impact on a client’s mental health
  • Describe how illegal drugs may negatively affect mood and emotional states
  • Review and develop working protocols, information sharing and referral pathways

Target audience

  • Workers in contact with mental health clients using illegal drugs
  • Community Mental Health Teams
  • Drug and alcohol workers
  • General Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Accident and Emergency Staff
  • Social Workers, Supported Housing Workers, Probation Staff
  • Students

Drug & alcohol national occupational standards

  • AA1: Recognise indications of substance misuse
  • AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
  • MH2: Enable people with mental health needs to access and benefit from a service

Dual Diagnosis Training – 29th November 2017

Dual Diagnosis Training

Dual Diagnosis Training (includes trauma)

Mental health and drug and alcohol use poses many challenges for professionals. Workers may feel unskilled or unable to provide adequate support in dealing with this complex area, with services often in disagreement in what are causing the problems.

Being delivered on:

Wednesday, 29th November 2017


St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Costs: £130 £99 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Course description & outline

This is a one day course that focuses on drug use and mental health (dual diagnosis). This course aims to provide information on how drugs, alcohol and mental health issues interrelate and how to work effectively with this client group.

  • Overview  / statistics

  • What is dual diagnosis?

  • How does dual diagnosis develop with young people and adults?

  • Psychiatric information & brain development

  • Assessing the impact of drugs on mental health

  • Substance use and the effects of trauma in adolescents and adults

  • Medication, Support & Treatment

  • Improving services

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Examine terminology and how different terms alter their meaning depending on your work role
  • List ways in which patterns of substance use can impact on a client’s mental health
  • Describe how illegal drugs may negatively affect mood and emotional states
  • Review and develop working protocols, information sharing and referral pathways

Target audience

  • Workers in contact with mental health clients using illegal drugs
  • Community Mental Health Teams
  • Drug and alcohol workers
  • General Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Accident and Emergency Staff
  • Social Workers, Supported Housing Workers, Probation Staff
  • Students

Drug & alcohol national occupational standards

  • AA1: Recognise indications of substance misuse
  • AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
  • MH2: Enable people with mental health needs to access and benefit from a service

Dual Diagnosis Thursday 27th July 2017

Dual Diagnosis Training

Dual Diagnosis Training

Being delivered on:

Thursday 27th July 2017

Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF

Costs: £96 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Mental health and drug and alcohol use poses many challenges for professionals. Workers may feel unskilled or unable to provide adequate support in dealing with this complex area, with services often in disagreement in what are causing the problems.[/box]

Course description

This one day course focuses on drug use and mental health (dual diagnosis). It aims to provide information on how drugs, alcohol and mental health issues interrelate and provides a range of interventions on how to work effectively with this client group.

Target audience

  • Workers in contact with mental health clients using illegal drugs
  • Community Mental Health Teams
  • Drug and alcohol workers
  • General Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Accident and Emergency Staff
  • Social Workers, Supported Housing Workers, Probation Staff
  • Students

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Examine terminology and how different terms alter their meaning depending on your work role
  • List ways in which patterns of substance use can impact on a client’s mental health
  • Describe how illegal drugs may negatively affect mood and emotional states
  • Review and develop working protocols, information sharing and referral pathways

Drug & alcohol national occupational standards

  • AA1: Recognise indications of substance misuse
  • AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
  • MH2: Enable people with mental health needs to access and benefit from a service

Costs: £96 per person

Lunch and refreshments provided.

Thursday 27th July 2017

Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF