Skunk & Spice (Cannabis & Synthetic Cannabinoids) Course

Skunk & Spice Course

This course is now delivered online via Zoom, please enquire for details.

Skunk & Spice (Cannabis & Synthetic Cannabinoids)

In 1964 Dr. Raphael Mechoulam of the University of Tel Aviv isolates THC Delta-9, the primary active ingredient in cannabis.

Between 1984 to 2011, with funding by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, John W. Huffman and his colleagues created over 400 synthetic cannabinoids. Huffman synthesised a variety of chemical compounds, JWH-018 (Spice) was one of these compounds.

Course description and outline

This session focuses on cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids.


To achieve a deeper level of knowledge about common forms of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids, together with health and psychiatric issues, appropriate interventions/treatments.

  • Current UK situation

  • Brief History

  • Different types of cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids

  • How they work

  • Harm minimisation strategies and techniques

  • Health and psychiatric implications

  • Current treatment

This course is delivered to teams / staff throughout the UK. Participants can be from a variety of services or new to the field. Former participants have include drug workers, managers, social workers, volunteers and students.

Drug and alcohol national occupational standards

  • HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
  • HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
  • AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
  • HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.