A two day course being delivered on:
Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th November, 2018
Location: St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF
Participants can choose to do both courses or just one course.
£160 per person for 2 day course.
£99 per person for 1 day course.
Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)
Drugs & Alcohol Training (Level 1)
This course provides information to help workers begin to assess clients for drugs & alcohol problems and how to refer people into effective specialist services.
Course description
This one day knowledge-based course will look at alcohol, misused prescription medication and the different types of illegal drugs (including NPS) that are commonly used and the issues surrounding them.
Aims and objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Recall basic definitions of commonly used terms
- Describe how various drugs(including NPS) and commonly misused prescription medications affect the body
- Use the unit measuring system to work out how much a client is drinking
- Identify reasons why people use illegal drugs
- Clarify when drug or alcohol use becomes a problem
- Differentiate between different patterns of drug & alcohol use
- Explain how substances are classified
Drug & alcohol national occupational standards
Day One:
- AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists.
- HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
- HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
- AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.
- AD1 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects.
Drugs & Alcohol Training (Level 2)
The drugs & alcohol training (Level 2) will develop participants knowledge and skills in identifying substance misuse and alcohol related needs via screening and/or assessment. It will provide workers with strategies, interventions and treatment tools that they can use to help clients engage with drug and alcohol treatment services.
Course description
This drugs & alcohol training course looks at reasons why clients may resist treatment and how workers can begin to address this in practical ways that will support them to access services. It will introduce principles and key themes in harm reduction that clients can use to minimise risk to themselves and the people around them.
Aims and objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Address reasons why people may not want to engage with drug & alcohol treatment services
- Introduce drugs & alcohol as topics with their clients
- Structure brief advice sessions with their clients
- Be able to use screening and treatment tools
- Describe basic harm reduction techniques
- Support a client to access appropriate services
Drug and alcohol national occupational standards
- AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
- HSC377: Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role
- HSC388: Relate to families, parents and carers
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.