Drug Awareness Course
Being delivered on:
Thursday, 23rd May 2019
St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF
Cost: £99 per person
Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)
Course description
This one day drug awareness training course covers the different types of commonly used illegal drugs (includes NPS, new psychoactive substances).
The drug awareness course covers;
- Current UK situation
- Different types of drugs and routes of use
- How drugs work – effects, signs and symptoms
- Health and mental health implications
- Effective support & treatment
Aims and objectives
- Increase knowledge and awareness of the issues relating to illegal drug use
- Increase knowledge of how drugs are used and the effects upon individual’s physiology and neurology
- Understand the possible affects on health
- Identify, signpost and refer people who are effected by drugs into specialist treatment services
Drug and alcohol national occupational standards
Day One:
- AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists
- HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals
- HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals
- AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice
- AD1 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects