ITEP Training being delivered on:
Wednesday 11th July 2018
St Martin of Tours
318-320 St Paul’s Road
London N1 2LF
Cost: £130 £99 per person
Lunch and refreshments provided.
(See here)
Course description
A one day course focusing on ITEP Mapping and how to implement this into recovery-orientated care planning.
- Build the therapeutic relationship
- Build engagement with the care planning process
- Work with clients to refine treatment goals
- Initiate and maintain changes in substance use ( lapse / relapse)
- Work with clients as they exit formal treatment
Participants can be from a variety of services or new to the field. Former participants have include drug workers, managers, social workers, volunteers and students.
Aims and objectives
This introductory level study day will give participants a basic understanding of ITEP and node link mapping tools and offers attendees the opportunity to practice using these tools with other learners.
- Describe the role of ITEP and node link mapping tools.
- Demonstrate how to use some basic mapping techniques.
- Identify how they would implement these principles into their practice.
- Identify how they would implement theses principles into recovery-orientated care planning.
Drug and alcohol national occupational standards
- HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
- HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
- AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.