The drugs & alcohol training (Level 2) will develop participants knowledge and skills in identifying substance misuse and alcohol related needs via screening and/or assessment. It will provide workers with strategies and treatment tools that they can use to help clients engage with drug and alcohol treatment services.
Course description
This drugs & alcohol training course looks at reasons why clients may resist treatment and how workers can begin to address this in practical ways that will support them to access services. It will introduce principles and key themes in harm reduction that clients can use to minimise risk to themselves and the people around them.
Aims and objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Address reasons why people may not want to engage with drug & alcohol treatment services
- Introduce drugs & alcohol as topics with their clients
- Structure brief advice sessions with their clients
- Be able to use screening and treatment tools
- Describe basic harm reduction techniques
- Support a client to access appropriate services
Target audience
The course is aimed at those who will be working with drug-users in a variety of settings e.g. Social Workers, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Staff, Youth Offending Teams, Community Pharmacists, Community Mental Health Teams, General Practitioners, Domestic Violence Workers, Police Officers and Probation Staff.
Drug and alcohol national occupational standards
- AB2: Support individuals who are substance users
- HSC377: Work in collaboration with carers in the caring role
- HSC388: Relate to families, parents and carers
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.