Drugs & Young People

Drugs, Alcohol, Legal Highs & Young People Training Course

This course is now delivered online via Zoom, please enquire for details.

This drugs & young people training course will help workers understand the types of drugs young people may take, patterns of use, effects on health and wellbeing and how to support and refer users to appropriate services.

Course description

This course covers the most commonly used drugs young people may use, including novel psychoactive substances (former legal highs), prescription medication (such as Xanax), cannabis and alcohol. It also covers issues such as ‘county lines’ and adolescent trauma. The course will help workers to identify symptoms, respond appropriately, and know when to refer to specialist services.

Aims and objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the different types of drugs young people use

  • Understand the effects on health and psychiatric issues

  • Provide appropriate and accurate advice and information to young people on drugs

  • Provide effective support and know when to refer to other services

Target audience

  • Youth Workers

  • Youth Offending Teams

  • Probation

  • Teachers

  • University Wardens

  • Student Unions

  • School Nurses

  • Community Wardens

  • Police Community Support Officers

  • Police Officers

  • Social Workers

National occupational standards. Units covered and supported:

SFHAD1: Raise awareness about substances, their use, and effects.

SCDHSC3111: Promote equality and rights.

SFHAA1: Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists.

SCDHSC0027: Support individuals in their daily living.

PROHSS1: Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety.

SCDHSC0033: Develop your own knowledge and practice.

SCDHSC0233: Develop effective relationships with individuals.