TD Consultancy has extensive experience in delivering needs analysis and service user consultations throughout the UK.

Drug Consultancy
  • We support Local Authorities, DAATs, Public Health, police, the private sector and drug and related services to achieve a deeper level of knowledge, clarity and understanding of substance misuse, homelessness and other social and health related issues

  • We help drug and alcohol providers improve their services, maintain the quality of their workforce and help them meet their local KPIs

  • We provide clear recommendations, action plans, treatment tools, strategies and ongoing coaching and support to improve services and the health and wellbeing of users, families, carers and communities

Our Process

1. Research

We conduct needs assessments through consultations with all stakeholders (users, workers, managers and commissioners).

As an output we produce a report including key findings, list of recommendations for each stakeholder group and actions.

2. Local strategy

We produce a coherent strategy outlining what is available for users and ensuring clear pathways and working protocols.

3. Tailored training packages

The needs/gaps identified through the analysis will determine the scope and the content of relevant training.

4. Ongoing Support

Up to date info/coaching and mentoring


  • Improve ability to achieve local KPIs

  • Maintain quality assurance

  • Ability to manage contracts more effectively

  • Access to a reliable source of up-to-date and accurate information, specific interventions and treatment tools for professionals working with substance users

  • Improving the health and wellbeing of substance users and the impact on families and communities

  • Access to online resources and free access to crowdsourcing platform 

  • Ongoing access to an experienced team

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