Mephedrone & Legal Highs Training / 15th January 2015
The following one-day Mephedrone & Legal Highs training course is being held in London.
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Aim: This is an intermediate level training day for substance misuse practitioners to enhance their levels of knowledge and confidence about legal highs and the issues around them.
To gain an overview of the historical context of mephedrone & legal highs
To explore current trends and prevalence in the UK
To know where to source information to identify new substances and a professional response to them, using new technologies and online tools
To gain a template for understanding the broad spectrum of research chemicals and the main chemical groupings, to assist in making better informed decisions about how to respond
To achieve a deeper level of knowledge about current synthetic cannabinoids, mephedrone & other B Ketones together with appropriate interventions/treatments, health and psychiatric issues
Staff who would benefit from the training include:
Drug Workers & Managers, Social Workers, Health / Mental Health Workers, Nurses & GPs, Psychiatrist, Youth Workers, Anti-Social Behaviour Workers, Youth Offending Teams, Probation Staff, Prison Staff, Teachers, University Staff, Student Unions, Housing Workers, Community Wardens, Police Community Support Officers and Police Officers.
Costs per person are £110 for voluntary sector and £130 for statutory.
Lunch and refreshments provided.
DANOS Compliant:
Date: 15th January 2015 Location: Highbury Corner, Islington London N1