Mephedrone & Legal Highs Training / 15th January 2015


The following one-day Mephedrone & Legal Highs training course  is being held in London.

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Aim: This is an intermediate level training day for substance misuse practitioners to enhance their levels of knowledge and confidence about legal highs and the issues around them.


  • To gain an overview of the historical context of mephedrone & legal highs

  • To explore current trends and prevalence in the UK

  • To know where to source information to identify new substances and a professional response to them, using new technologies and online tools

  • To gain a template for understanding the broad spectrum of research chemicals and the main chemical groupings, to assist in making better informed decisions about how to respond

  • To achieve a deeper level of knowledge about current synthetic cannabinoids, mephedrone & other B Ketones together with appropriate interventions/treatments, health and psychiatric issues

Staff who would benefit from the training include:

Drug Workers & Managers, Social Workers, Health / Mental Health Workers, Nurses & GPs, Psychiatrist, Youth Workers, Anti-Social Behaviour Workers, Youth Offending Teams, Probation Staff, Prison Staff, Teachers, University Staff, Student Unions, Housing Workers, Community Wardens, Police Community Support Officers and Police Officers.

Costs per person are £110 for voluntary sector and £130 for statutory.

Lunch and refreshments provided.

DANOS Compliant:

Date: 15th January 2015
Location: Highbury Corner, Islington London N1