The following one-day crystal meth training course is being held in London.
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Aim: This is an intermediate level training day for substance misuse practitioners to enhance their levels of knowledge and confidence about crystal meth and other forms of methamphetamine.
Objectives of the course
- Increase knowledge and awareness of the issues relating to methamphetamine
- Increase knowledge of how methamphetamine is used and the effects upon individual’s physiology and neurology.
- Understand the possible affects on health.
- To increase confidence in working with this client group.
- Drug and alcohol national occupational standards
Staff that will benefit from this training include:
Drug Workers & Managers, Social Workers, Health / Mental Health Workers, Nurses & GPs, Psychiatrist, Youth Workers, Anti-Social Behaviour Workers, Youth Offending Teams, Probation Staff, Prison Staff, Teachers, University Staff, Student Unions, Housing Workers, Community Wardens, Police Community Support Officers and Police Officers.
Drug & alcohol national occupational standards
Day One:
- AA1 Recognise indications of substance misuse and refer individuals to specialists.
- HSC233 Relate to, and interact with, individuals.
- HSC3111 Promote the equality, diversity, rights and responsibilities of individuals.
- AB2 Support individuals who are substance users.
- HSC33 Develop your own knowledge and practice.
- AD1 Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects.